Daily Spoils


Things I returned home with today which were not in my possession at the start of the day:

  • A new, Mormon-themed board game
  • A copy of D'Aulaires Norse myths (one of my goals for the summer is to become passingly familiar with Asgard and its inhabitants)
  • A library copy of the soundtrack for the musical Billy Eliot. It's not my story, but it's a good one, regardless
  • An id badge for my new job
  • A clean bill of criminality
  • A clearer sense of how to tackle Games Mormons Play, a paper in progress
  • Plans for getting sushi in a little bit

Apparently, I have successful days. Sometimes.


Hunts said...

It all sounded so cool until the new job part. That is probably cool too, but I'm out of the loop...where are you working?

alea said...

I'm just doing some sub librarianing for the county. Just to, y'know, fill in the gaps this summer. :)

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