Dear Mother Nature
One to four inches of snow during the morning commute is a classic April Fools joke. Props for that. Seriously, a hoot.
However, I think it's time for you to give us our spring back.
Thanks bunches!
"...with all thy getting, get understanding" Proverbs 4.7
Posted by alea at 9:57 AM | 2 comments
One to four inches of snow during the morning commute is a classic April Fools joke. Props for that. Seriously, a hoot.
However, I think it's time for you to give us our spring back.
Thanks bunches!
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Last dying cry of winter? March is a tease, but probably she had a hard childhood? This afternoon was soo sunny?
You know, you're always trying to defend March. If I didn't know better, I'd swear something was going on between the two of you...
(also, word verification: winge. Oddly apropos, non?)
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